So my roommate Joy and I have a problem. Its not as much of a problem as it is an obsession. And its getting out of control (for my roommate that is).
Recently in my lighting class we watched the 25th Anniversary Concert Recording of Les Miserables (which I had seen part of before, but I didn't remember most of it, only that Nick Jonas was not the best) anyway, the guy who played Enjolas is completely gorgeous. In. Every. Possible. Way.
His voice is beautiful and he is beautiful, and I kinda fell in love with him. Anyhoo, I got back home and told Joy about the Beautifulness of Enjolas. And it turns out she is in love with him too.
So naturally, we pulled out our inner creepers, and learned everything we could about him.
Name: Ramin Karimloo
Age: 34
Birth Place: Iran (moved to Canada, then to England)
Sexual Orientation: STRAIGHT! (Finally! We found one!)
Relationship Status: Married (with two kids)
So there is my soapbox of creepiness. We also found out that he played the Phantom in the 25th Anniversary Cast of Phantom of the Opera and played the Phantom in Love Never Dies (the Phantom Sequel)
So we watched the 25th Anniversary of Phantom (Its on Netflix, I highly recommend it), and Joy became OBSESSED. Like to the point of no return (see what I did there?)
and after it was over, we spent three hours finding and printing out pictures of him, and now we have more addition to our Broadway Boys closet (though technically he is a West End Boy [man]).
And Joy has been secretly watching the phantom videos on Youtube of him all weekend. How she did this without me knowing, I have no idea. And so now, Ramin's voice has been playing in our room 24/7.
Don't believe me? Watch this video!
So pretty much, he's beautiful, and brilliant, and a fantastic actor and singer.
rant over.
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