Sunday, November 6, 2011

The moment that you realize...

that you are truly happy.

Honestly, I don't think I have been this happy with my life or have truly been  myself in a long time.  I laugh a good five minutes every day, and I always have a friend to turn to or to hang out with.  Gone are the days of paranoia about being alone.  I now know that I have friends who care about me and are here for me when I need someone to talk to.  People ask me if I want to hang out with them or invite me to things all the time.  I haven't been locked up in my room alone on a weekend in a long long time.

And the best  part? I don't dwell on the fact that I'm not dating anyone anymore.  My new motto: If it happens, it happens.  I'm not going to dwell on it anymore, I get to go out with my friends and my sisters and have fun.  And you know what they say, when you stop worrying about something or thinking about something, thats when it finally happens.  So who knows, maybe someday soon I'll be gushing about a boy on here :)

and I know that I promised that I will post on here more often, but I've been busy. School, Antigone, and my sorority have been taking up most of my time.  But Antigone is now over (it has been for two weeks now), I'm trying to buckle down and do my homework, and manage my time again.

I'm also looking into trying new things.  Like Quiddich! I think I'm going to audition for the Pacific team.  Oh, I'm sorry, I mean "Try Out"  the Theater Girl in me just can't get the terms right.  Remember its "Try Out" not "Audition" and its "Practice" and not "Rehearse" whatever.  I'll say what comes out of my mouth.

Talk  to you all soon


P.S. I miss my family sooo much.  I'm excited to go home for Thanksgiving in a few weeks :)

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