Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Ok so I know I have not posted in a while because I've been busy.  And I know thats a  lame excuse, but believe me its true. and the reason for my being busy is.....

I joined the UOP crew team.

I  know, those of you who know me mouths just dropped. Pick them up because its true.  I wake up at 4:50 in the morning and actually exercise.  I do not know what is more shocking, that I exercise or I wake up that early in the morning.

Its actually really cool, and its great exercise, I'm super excited to be in shape for once in my life.

Other news:

Aunt Freda's memorial service was  yesterday.  It was really weird being in her apartment with out her.  It was a sad day, but she lived a long, incredible life and it was her time.

Godspell opens next friday! I cannot believe it.  This semester is going by super fast, before I know it, it is going to be winter break!

I promise to update more often!


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