Thursday, November 11, 2010


Hello Lovies!

My life has been ridiculously busy the past week, and let me tell you, I am exhausted! Tech week started for Godspell and I feel as if I have had zero sleep.  I had to take the week off from Crew practice because I knew I would not be able to balance everything.  If you don't know me, then you should know that this is big news.  I never take time off for anything.  I always stretch myself thin going from activity to activity. I never give myself time to stop. ever.

Today my make-up class was cancelled so I got to sleep in...till noon! That is something that never happens, I'm always up around 7:30 reading or snoozing or lurking the internet.  But I got a solid 12 hours last night. And I'm still tired! I cannot wait for winter break when I can catch up on my rest and spend time with my family and friends back home.

Good news! I got a call back for the spring play "Arms and the Man" by George Bernard Shaw.  I really hope I get a part! The play is going to be so funny and I really want to be involved in it.

I had an interesting conversation with my friends the other night.  We were sitting in the Wemyss Lounge and they started asking me what I was planning to do with my life.  I thought it was weird because everyone knows that I want to be on Broadway. So I responded with that. But they were  like "what can you do with a theater degree?" I get the feeling that they think I wont succeed.  People do not realize that there are tons of things you can do with a theater degree.  Theatre is not only about acting, there are tons of other opportunities associated with it.  You can do the technical stuff (which I am learning to love), costuming, make-up, stage managing, stage hands, directing, producing, you can be a theater manager, you can own theaters and there are more things I just cant think of right now.  Many lawyers also do theater as undergrad, because it helps them learn stage presence, that they need in the court room.  I dont think my friends understand the passion I have for my craft.  There is nothing I would rather do with my  life than perform, I know what I'm getting myself into, but I have the drive and the fire in my belly to pursue it.  Something I know that they do not possess.  It takes a lot of courage to choose a career path that you know there is a 95% chance that you wont succeed.  But you have to strive to be in the 5% that do.  You have to make things happen for yourself, and I truly believe if you want something enough, then you will make it happen.  I know I will see my name in a playbill on Broadway one day, and as long as I see that dream, I know it will happen.

Another thing popped up in that conversation that has been bothering me.  One of my friends, M, suggested that we all go get massages at the end of the semester.  My other friend, R, was all for that idea, but I was like I cant afford it sorry. M and R looked at me questionably, they didnt understand that whenever I buy something for myself off campus, I'm paying for it with my own money. All of my friend's parents  have either given them a credit card to pay for stuff with, or they deposit money into their debit accounts every week/month.  My parents dont have the means to do that for me, and even if they did, I dont think they would.  But I wish that they did give me money in my debit account so I could go shopping or go do fun things with my friends.  But then again, I am going to an expensive school, and I am living on campus and my parents dont have alot of extra spending money to do that for me.  I understand all that, I've understood that all my life, but sometimes I wish that I did have that extra spening money and I could go and buy fun things with my friends. I'm tired of being responsible with everything because of my financial situations.  I want to buy something and not feel bad about spending the  money on it.  I guess you can say I know the value of a dollar, but sometimes I wish I still have to learn that lesson.

One of my best friends, Amanda, or Kylee as she is going by now, has followed in my footsteps and has started her own blog documenting her college experiences. If you are interested in reading her adventures here is the link to her blog:

Other than that I have nothing new to report.  I hope you all have a lovely day, and if I dont post tomorrow, then have a wonderful weekend!
Until next time.


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