Monday, November 21, 2011

Dad's Day!

So last week was Dad's day at the Delta Delta Delta house! My Daddy flew up from Burbank and I picked him up at the Sacramento Airport! (I felt so grown up picking up my dad to visit me :D )

I thought he was going to be bored, and he would never ever come up for it again.  But, shocker to me, he loved it! He kept raving about how much he enjoyed it and how he can't wait to go again next year!

It was really nice to spend some quality time with my Dad.  Being a daddy's girl is hard when you live 350 miles away.

Anyway here are some pics from the event!


Of course Dad had to take a pic of the Bear Family!
(He enjoyed seeing Amanda again and meeting Carolyn)

And here he goes with the pictures again! He wanted
a shot of (most) of the whole group.
Finally a picture with my Dad!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I Need a Pageant song!

I'm running for Miss San Joaquin County again in March, and I really need to find a song for the talent section of the competition!  I'm thinking about Astonishing form Little Women the Musical, but I don't know if I can do the belting without seeing my voice coach.  Help!? Any ideas? :)


Sunday, November 6, 2011

The moment that you realize...

that you are truly happy.

Honestly, I don't think I have been this happy with my life or have truly been  myself in a long time.  I laugh a good five minutes every day, and I always have a friend to turn to or to hang out with.  Gone are the days of paranoia about being alone.  I now know that I have friends who care about me and are here for me when I need someone to talk to.  People ask me if I want to hang out with them or invite me to things all the time.  I haven't been locked up in my room alone on a weekend in a long long time.

And the best  part? I don't dwell on the fact that I'm not dating anyone anymore.  My new motto: If it happens, it happens.  I'm not going to dwell on it anymore, I get to go out with my friends and my sisters and have fun.  And you know what they say, when you stop worrying about something or thinking about something, thats when it finally happens.  So who knows, maybe someday soon I'll be gushing about a boy on here :)

and I know that I promised that I will post on here more often, but I've been busy. School, Antigone, and my sorority have been taking up most of my time.  But Antigone is now over (it has been for two weeks now), I'm trying to buckle down and do my homework, and manage my time again.

I'm also looking into trying new things.  Like Quiddich! I think I'm going to audition for the Pacific team.  Oh, I'm sorry, I mean "Try Out"  the Theater Girl in me just can't get the terms right.  Remember its "Try Out" not "Audition" and its "Practice" and not "Rehearse" whatever.  I'll say what comes out of my mouth.

Talk  to you all soon


P.S. I miss my family sooo much.  I'm excited to go home for Thanksgiving in a few weeks :)

Friday, September 30, 2011


Sometimes I feel so alone.  I know I live in a house with 20+ girls, and I know I have a lot of "close" friends, but I feel as if I have no one I can turn to when I really need to be with someone.  My problems never seem important enough to other people, because I'm the happy-go-lucky girl who lives an "exciting" life.  But really now. I feel really, really alone. And I wish I had someone here right now to give me a big hug, and keep me company.

so much for being less self absorbed.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I've already failed on my new life plan. Well this is my blog post for today.  Goodnight.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ok....I'm a bad blogger.

So I've been neglecting my blog, and that makes me very sad :(

So here's the deal, I've decided that I want to become a better person.  I feel like I neglect things too often (such as my blog or my friends or my studies) and I feel like I just focus on myself all the time.  I'd like to think that I try to be attentive to other people, but I don't think that I come across that way. SO I've come up with a list of things that I am going to do to be a better person from now on:

  • Blog something everyday 
  • Think less about myself and more about other people
  • Help at least one person with something every day
  • Learn something new about my friends when I talk to them
  • Talk to people I'm afraid to talk to
  • Eat healthier
  • Exercise for at least 30 min a day (I know I'm pushing it with this one, but its necessary)
  • Call a member of my family everyday
  • Try to be a positive influence on someone's life everyday
I hope I can succeed with this list.  I know its going to be hard and be slow at first, but I think I need to do something.  I just can't skate through college going from class to rehearsal to my room to watch netflix.  If I want to be a performer and get my name known in the theater world, I have to get the practice first.  And college is the right environment for that.  Who knows, maybe with these changes, I can change the world someday.

Thats all for now. Until tomorrow.

Monday, August 29, 2011


I know you've all missed me during my long summer break, but now I'm back in action for round 2 at Pacific.  Can you believe it I'm a Sophomore? A SOPHOMORE!  This is shaping up to be a pretty good year.  I'm living in the Delta Delta Delta house, taking 18 units (which includes French, Stage Design, Computers, Intermediate Acting, and Writing for College {[he plan's to test out of that one]!)  and auditioning for Antigone, the fall semester production.

The only bummer is that Courtney, who was supposed to be living with me in my Fab room, got an RA position, so now I'm Roommate-less. BUMMER!

But I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited to start the whole being an active in TriDelta and everything that comes with it.  This semester is going to be a lot of work (as usual) but it should be fun!

So here are some pictures of the "Pride of the Pacific" room, AKA my fab room, in the TriDelta House

Hope you have a wonderful day Lovies, and good luck with the semester!

P.S. Come over for Lunch or Dinner and get to know the lovely ladies of TriDelta! :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Good bye April!

So April has gone by wayyy to fast, and I have not had time to blog.

So There are two weeks of school left.  Thats all I can think about as of now.

and I'm starting a Production Company called Tiger Cat Productions, and it is the only thing I've been thinking about all afternoon.  More deets about it when I figure it out. :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

One day until my impending doom...

and what doom is that? I bet you are wondering what could be so awful that I'm dreading it. IIITTTSSSS

my birthday.

I know I know, I sound crazy! But I'm afraid to get older.  I'm turning 19! 19! I've almost been on the planet for TWO decades! It scares me! Soon I'll be 30, 40, 50 and then dead. I have too many things to worry about, and I don't want to have to deal with getting older too.  I half expect to wake up with gray hair tomorrow.

I want to be like Peter Pan and never grow up.  Living in never-never land forever sounds great to me.  hey, maybe I'll become a fairy!

I think I'm just scared to leave my childhood, and my teenager-hood behind.  I feel like I have not accomplished anything that you are supposed to as a teenager, and now I have one year left to go crazy.  but will I make the most of the next 365 days to do all the crazy teenage things I have not done yet? Probably not I'm too scared and shy to do anything crazy. Maybe I'll wait till my roaring twenties to go crazy, who knows.  I just feel behind, and in adequate to be 19,  I'm too much of a child, and not enough of an adult.

We'll see how the next year goes.  Until then, I have 10 and a half hours left of being 18 years old. :/

Monday, March 28, 2011


So the movie Tangled came to our free theater here at UOP this weekend.  I had never wanted to see it when it was in theaters, but people started telling me how good it was.  They were right.
I saw it Friday night with my friend Robert, then I saw it AGAIN on Saturday night with some girls from Tridelta.  I am in love...with a chameleon named Pascal.

Isn't he adorable? I told Allie to get me a stuffed animal of him for my birthday.

Speaking of my Birthday, its on friday.  I'm not happy about it.  I dont want to be 19! I want to stay in the 18 year old bubble forever (actually I want to go back to the 17 year old bubble) My friends and family think I am crazy, they all say wait till you turn 21 to freak out then at least you can have fun.  I guess I'm just afraid to grow up and leave my childhood behind.  I have to now start actually thinking about life. eeeggh.  Its all down hill from here I guess...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Long Time

Wow its been a long time! I cant believe I have not posted in over a month! Time flies so fast.

Over the past month I have done many things:
-competed at KCACTF (I did not make it past the first round but now I know what to do for next time)
-made a BUNCH of new friends!
-was initiated in Delta Delta Delta!!!
-started the new member process for Theta Alpha Phi (theater fraternity)
-went on Spring Break (I cleaned my room the entire time, but I did go to Disneyland and bought an annual pass...anyone want to go?)
-Finally learned my lines for Arms and the Man
-Oh and I "married" one of my BFFLs ;) Ashley Bonda aka sweetiepop :)

On top of all that I have been super stressed about classes.  I'm afraid that I am going to FAIL all of them  (by failing I mean getting a C), I'm trying my hardest to keep all aspects of my life in place, but I fear that they are congealing together making it impossible for me to accomplish anything.

Good news is that I have some Girl Scout Cookies! Yumm!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Big!

So I got my Tridelta big!

Her name is Amanda Wilens, and she just happens to be one of the first people I met when I came to Pacific.  Not only that, but I found out that we both did Youth and Government in High School and she is friends with a bunch of people I know from that organization. I am so happy that she is my big, and I love my grandbig (which is my big's big).  I'm so excited to get to know the two of them better as my time at UOP and Delta Delta Delta progresses.

Here's some pictures of us at Big/Little Reveal!

Reading my  clues to discover my big.
After Amanda blew out my candle, This is my favorite one :)

Big and Little :)
The Bear Family! (That's my bear, Flora,
which my Big and GBig made for me)

Grandbig Carolyn Coghlan, my Big Amanda Wilens, and Me!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

pin wheel.

I feel as if my life were a pin wheel.  When in the wind, the pin wheel goes round and round until all you see is a blur of colors.  Except the pin wheel is lucky, because when the wind stops, so does the spinning.  My life is like a pin wheel with a constant steady wind.  Always going, always turning.  It never stops.

I know I rant and complain about being busy all the time, but for old time sake, here I go again.

So I got a cold.  I know, it doesnt sound that bad. But I got the cold last wednesday.  and I had a pageant on Saturday. So if you put two and two together, the climax of my cold just happened to be on, you guessed it! Saturday.  But before I go into my day on Saturday, I have to tell you about my Friday.

Friday morning I woke up 9AM, with my cold, and thinking I was ready to take my math test at 11AM.  I take a dayquil and go to take a shower.  While I was shampooing my hair, I started getting dizzy.  My head was light and the shower stall was spinning.  I remember putting my hand against the wall of the shower to brace myself, and then it goes black, and I'm on the floor of the shower.  I stand up, and lean against the corner for support, but once again, I remember being on the floor.  The second time I stand up, I turn off the water (with shampoo in my hair) grab my towel, and slowly walk to my room.  I call my mom, and tell her I'm going to the wellness center and she calls them to tell them I was on my way.  Once there, they tell me I have to go to the Immediate Care, because I might have hit my head.  So public safety drives me across Stockton, to the nearest urgent care, where I wait for two hours to see a doctor.  Then they ask me a million questions, asking me if I was pregnant like 15 times (I'm pretty sure they didnt believe me when I said no), did a million tests (including an EKG and you guessed it, a pregnancy test) and drew blood.  Another hour goes by (mind you I have not eaten yet, all they would give me was juice) and the doctor comes in to tell me that I'm NOT pregnant (He seemed shocked) and that I had a Urinary Tract Infection.  I finally leave that place at 2:45, and when I get back to school, I leave again for my pageant rehearsal that ended at 11PM.  (Thank God they fed me).

On Saturday, I woke up, and as I said before, my cold was at its climax.  I go to my interview, and later on, the pageant.  I didn't perform as well as I could have.  I'm blaming the past 24 hours and the cold I was dying of.  I did not place, or win any extra awards.  This is a first.  I'm kind of bummed, and I'm starting to think that I'm wasting my time doing pageants.  But every time I think about quitting it, I think about how badly I want the crown, and the experience and it keeps me going.  I know I will win eventually.

On Sunday, My mom and Grandma and I saw No Strings Attached, it was a very cute movie.  We went to safeway and bought food for my dorm and then they left for good old Moorpark.
I wish they would come to visit me more often.  I know they're proud that I'm here by myself and I have not complained to them that I miss home like other kids my age they know have.  But I miss them, especially the weekends when nothings going on and they're out doing fun things at home.  Everyone up here goes home for the weekends or their parents come to them often, but I feel like I never see my family anymore.  I miss spending time with them.  And the worst thing is missing my dog.  Its easier the longer I'm away from them, but if I go home for a weekend or if I skype or talk to them on the phone it makes the home sick feeling come back.  Especially now that the Oscars are coming up.  If February 27th comes and I am not home, I swear I'm going to DIE.  The Oscars are my holiday.  Its our thing to have the extravagant party with all of our friends all dressed up eating costco snacks and drinking martinelli's.  My parents keep telling me that I should do a party in my dorm.  But its not the same.  Thats the one thing I look forward to every year, and all I want to do is go home for it.  Hopefully they'll let me. Hopefully.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not 'OMG I'm so home sick, I'm going to transfer to Moorpark Community at the end of the year' no. I love my school.  I love the experience I'm getting here.   I would make this decision all over again, if I had too. I'm just starting to realize what leaving home actually means, and the changes it brings.  I hate change, I think that why I'm pushing this oscar thing so much, I dont want my tradition to change.

Well I think I have ranted enough. I need to go to sleep. More later.



Monday, January 17, 2011


Hello Loves!

As I said in my last post I was rushing for a sorority.  And I would now like to take the time to formally introduce myself.  Hello, I'm Katie Woerner and I am a member of the Delta Delta Delta Sorority!

Ahh! I can't believe it.  It was a super hard decision to make and in the end, fate made the decision for me. I am so excited to get initiated and get to know all my new sisters and find out who my big is.  I'm so stoked.  But I promise you all, I am still the same Katie Woerner you know and love.  I'm just now a pledge in a very classy sorority.

Kate :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Hello My Loves!

I know you are all probably mad at me for not posting in a while (that is if anyone besides my mother reads this blog) but I decided to take time off from my blog while school was out of session.

I had a nice relax full holiday at home with my family, and sometimes friends.  My four week vacation was very much needed.  I've been going and going nonstop for the past year and a half and it was good to take the time and veg with my family.

Now that I'm back at school, my life once again is nonstop.  I have a pageant next week!! EEK! It came up so fast, and I still have so much to do.  And on top of everything I need to do, I tried on my evening gown and it did not fit! My gorgeous yellow dress that was bought and tailored to my body does not fit! You have no idea how depressed I am, because I love that dress so much.  I hate what college did to my body.  So now I'm on the hunt for a new dress and an alterer to alter my dress. Anyone have any suggestions?

Thats it for now!


P.S. Rush starts tomorrow and I am so excited! More posts to come!